GET.invest Virtual Matchmaking
Matchmaking sessions are part of GET.invest efforts to mobilise investments in renewable energy projects and businesses.
This virtual session will enable you to browse all profiles and propose meetings with the ones most relevant to you.
Where are my Matchmakings?
The Matchmakings will happen on this webpage. No need to install any software.
Check your agenda to find the starting time of each Matchmaking. Each participant will be able to have up to 6 virtual meetings of 15 minutes each per day.
Anything else I need to note?
- Accept meeting requests accordingly, you can also reject or reschedule.
- Start and end your meetings on time. Everyone depends on your punctuality since the scheduling is back to back.
- Enter the meeting room by clicking "Start Meeting" button (see Menu: Meetings or Agenda).
- Your meeting partner doesn't show up? - Use the "Message" button and ask for joining the meeting or re-schedule the meeting to another date/time.
Any technical requirements?
- Use devices with a Webcam & Microphone installed, preferably a computer having a webcam and microphone installed (Laptop, Notepads, etc).
- No need to install any software. Refer to your agenda to find your matchmakings!
- GET.invest Matchmaking team will be available for onboarding technical support before and during the Matchmaking sessions.
Matchmaking Participant Testimonials
„The Matchmaking Session is a great chance to carve out some time to have a more in-depth conversation with interested/interesting parties. I thought it was very well organized.“ „The Matchmaking gives room to us local parties to promote and introduce [our] businesses. We are listened to during the Matchmaking more than in any of the sessions.“ „We had lots of useful meetings regarding our new 5-year research program. We have followed up potential collaboration around, for example, trailing electric stoves on mini-grids and developing new pressure cooker designs with stove developers.“ „I have been able to assist one of the private actors getting in touch with other relevant persons for possible cooperation and funding.“